
Veal and beef cabbage rolls

Veal and beef cabbage rolls


Ingredients: boiled white cabbage, boiled rice grits, stringless premium veal, stringless premium beef, fried bulb onion, fried carrots, refined sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper.

Nutritional value per 100 g of the product:

proteins 7.1 g; fats 11.54 g; carbohydrates 10.9 g

Energy (caloric content) per 100 g of the product: 720.6 kJ (172.1 kcal).

Shelf life and storage conditions: 90 days at a temperature not exceeding -18°C.

Cooking method: cabbage rolls are placed in a pan frozen; carrots and onion are fried; sour cream, tomato paste can be added to the fry, if desired, cabbage rolls are covered with water and stewed for 40 minutes in the summer and for 2 hours in the winter over low heat.

In the summer, carrying in thermal packs is recommended.

Refreezing is not allowed.

